March 3, 2006

TOM WALSH: State needs to value smarter workforce

Five years into a job creation slump, Michigan doesn\'t yet grasp what it takes to succeed in the 21st-Century economy. A new survey of technology businesses in five states shows Michigan executives place much less value on a highly educated workforce than do leaders of similar firms in the competing states of California or Massachusetts . Michiganders also give their home state low marks on tax rates and general business friendliness. More than 80% of business leaders at cutting-edge companies in California and Massachusetts rate a well-educated workforce as highly important to their success. But only 52% of such Michigan executives feel the same way, according to the new Western Michigan University survey. WMU hired EPIC/MRA of Lansing to interview owners or managers of 1,181 so-called new economy companies in Michigan and four competing states, including Ohio and Illinois , about how best to grow new companies and create the jobs of the future.

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